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Veritas Cluster Resource Type Application create

Resource “my_zeit” vom Resource Type Application create

Die rc.2 Datei soll man “my_zeit” nennen und nicht “my_xclock”, da im Script die Befehl „pgrep xclock“ einen Falschen wert liefert.

# more /etc/init.d/my_zeit 

export DISPLAY
        pids=`pgrep -u 0 xclock`
        [ -n "$pids" ] && kill -9 $pids
case $1 in
                if [ -f /usr/openwin/bin/xclock ]; then
                echo 'my_xclock wird gestartet.'
                /usr/openwin/bin/xclock  2>&1 &
                exit 0;
                 /usr/bin/pkill -x -u 0 xclock
                exit 0;
        clean)  Kill
                pids=`pgrep xclock`
                [ -n "$pids" ] && exit 110;
                exit 100

1.) Ist zustand vom Cluster

root@DEFX0WF0 # hastatus
attempting to connect....connected

group           resource             system          message            
--------------- -------------------- --------------- --------------------
                                     DEFX0WF0        RUNNING            
                                     DEFX0WF1        RUNNING            
dataSG                               DEFX0WF0        ONLINE             
dataSG                               DEFX0WF1        OFFLINE            
                dataDGres            DEFX0WF0        ONLINE             
                dataDGres            DEFX0WF1        OFFLINE            
                IPres                DEFX0WF0        ONLINE             
                IPres                DEFX0WF1        OFFLINE            
                Mountres             DEFX0WF0        ONLINE             
                Mountres             DEFX0WF1        OFFLINE            
                NICres               DEFX0WF0        ONLINE             
                NICres               DEFX0WF1        ONLINE             
                Volres               DEFX0WF0        ONLINE             
                Volres               DEFX0WF1        OFFLINE


2. Resource erstelle

# haconf -makerw

# hares -add Appres Application dataSG
VCS:10245:Resource added
NameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent monitors
# hares -modify Appres StartProgram "/etc/init.d/my_zeit start"
# hares -modify Appres StopProgram "/etc/init.d/my_zeit stop"
# hares -modify Appres MonitorProgram  "/etc/init.d/my_zeit check"
# hares -modify Appres Critical 0
# hares -modify Appres Enabled 1
# haconf -dump -makero
hares -online Appres -sys DEFX0WF0


3. Link zur anderen Resoure herstellen

# haconf -makerw
# hares -link Mountres Appres       
haconf -dump -makero


4. Überprüfen von Abhängigkeiten

# hares -dep
#Group       Parent     Child
dataSG       IPres      NICres
dataSG       Mountres   Appres
dataSG       Mountres   Volres
dataSG       Volres     dataDGres
dataSG       dataDGres  IPres