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SC3.0u3 create Informix Resource Sun Cluster HA

- Prepare the nodes and disks for Informix installation.
vxassist -g rootdg make statinformix 600m layout=nostripe,nolog rootdisk_1
mount /opt/informix

[Installation Informix, ........]



- After the Informix Installation this Step create a Informix Agent.
- Veritas DiskGroup create an attach into cluster.

vxdg init app1dg app1disk01=c2t9d0 
scconf -a -D type=vxvm,name=app1dg,nodelist=defx0wf0:defx0wf1,preferenced=true

vxdg init informix1dg informi01=c2t12d0
scconf -a -D type=vxvm,name=informix1dg,nodelist=defx0wf0:defx0wf1,preferenced=true



- Veritas Voume create.
vxassist -g app1dg make volextenda 500m layout=nostripe,nolog app1disk01
vxassist -g app1dg make nfsvol 200m layout=nostripe,nolog app1disk01

vxassist -g informix1dg make rInf00P00 2000m layout=nostripe,nolog informi01
vxassist -g informix1dg make rInf00P01 2000m layout=nostripe,nolog informi01



- new DisksGroupe  sync to all Cluster Node.
scconf -c -D name=app1dg,sync
scconf -c -D name=informix1dg,sync

mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/app1dg/volextenda
mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/app1dg/nfsvol

        /dev/vx/dsk/app1dg/nfsvol       /dev/vx/rdsk/app1dg/nfsvol      /admin/nfs      vxfs    2       yes     log
        /dev/vx/dsk/app1dg/volextenda   /dev/vx/rdsk/app1dg/volextenda  /export/home_extend_a  vxfs    2    yes     log

mkdir -p /export/home_extend_a
mkdir -p /admin/nfs
mount /admin/nfs
mount /export/home_extend_a



- if not installed, resource type install.
scrgadm -a -t SUNW.nfs
scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus
scrgadm -a -t IBM.ids

scrgadm -a -g nfs-rg -h defx0wf0,defx0wf1 -y PathPrefix=/admin/nfs
scrgadm -a -g nfs-rg -L -l defx0yf0

scrgadm -a -j has-res -g nfs-rg -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus –x FilesystemMountPoints=/admin/nfs,/export/home_extend_a -x GlobalDevicePaths=informix1dg -x AffinityOn=TRUE

scswitch -Z -g nfs-rg

mkdir -p /admin/nfs/SUNW.nfs

vi dfstab.nfs-res

scrgadm -a -g nfs-rg -j nfs-res -t SUNW.nfs -y Resource_dependencies=has-res



- two example to create Informix Recourse.

scrgadm -a -g nfs-rg -j ids-res -t IBM.ids -y scalable=false -y Port_list=1538/tcp -y 
Network_resources_used=defx0yf0 -x Confdir_list="" -x START_TIMEOUT=300 -x  
STOP_TIMEOUT=300 -x PROBE_TIMEOUT=30 -x INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informix/v7.31.UD3 -x 
INFORMIXSERVER=sxgd -x ONCONFIG=onconfig.sxgd -x 
INFORMIXSQLHOSTS=/export/home_e xtend_a/informix/adm/sqlhosts.sxgd -y Resource_dependencies=has-res


scrgadm -a -g nfs-rg -j ids-res -t IBM.ids -y scalable=false -y Port_list=1535/tcp -y
Network_resources_used=defx0yf0 -x Confdir_list="" -x START_TIMEOUT=300 -x  STOP_TIMEOUT=300 -x 
PROBE_TIMEOUT=30 -x INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informix/ -x INFORMIXS scrgadm -a -g nfs-rg -j ids-res -t 
IBM.ids -y scalable=false -y Port_list=1535/t cp -y Network_resources_used=defx0yf0 -x 
Confdir_list="" -x START_TIMEOUT=300 -x  STOP_TIMEOUT=300 -x PROBE_TIMEOUT=30 -x 
INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informix/ -x INFORMIXS ERVER=sxgd -x ONCONFIG=onconfig.sxgd -x 
INFORMIXSQLHOSTS=/opt/informix/etc/sqlho sts.sxgd -y Resource_dependencies=has-res



root@defxf0:/tmp# scrgadm -p -g nfs-rg |grep "Res name"
  Res name:                    defx0yf0
  Res name:                    has-res
  Res name:                    nfs-res
  Res name:                    ids-res

scswitch -e -j nfs-res

scswitch -e -j ids-res

scswitch -Z -g nfs-rg