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Replace the rootmirror with itself

- Heraus Konfigurieren von Defekte Disk rootmirror

# vxdiskadm -v
Select an operation to perform: 4

Remove a disk for replacement
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/RemoveForReplace
  Use this menu operation to remove a physical disk from a disk
  group, while retaining the disk name.  This changes the state
  for the disk name to a "removed" disk.  If there are any
  initialized disks that are not part of a disk group, you will be
  given the option of using one of these disks as a replacement.
Enter disk name [<disk>,list,q,?] list
Disk group: rootdg
dm rootdisk     c0t0d0s2     sliced   2888     71127179 -
dm rootmirror   -            -        -        -        NODEVICE
Disk group: dri_infdg01
dm c2t7d0s2     c2t7d0s2     sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm c3t7d0s2     c3t7d0s2     sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_disk01   c2t10d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_disk02   c2t16d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_disk03   c2t19d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_disk04   c2t22d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_disk05   c2t26d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_disk06   c3t22d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_mirr01   c3t10d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_mirr02   c3t16d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_mirr03   c3t19d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_mirr04   c3t24d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
dm inf_mirr05   c3t26d0s2    sliced   4455     35358848 -
Enter disk name [<disk>,list,q,?] rootmirror
  The following volumes will lose mirrors as a result of this
        rootvol swapvol
  No data on these volumes will be lost.
  The requested operation is to remove disk rootmirror from disk group
  rootdg.  The disk name will be kept, along with any volumes using
  the disk, allowing replacement of the disk.
  Select "Replace a failed or removed disk" from the main menu
  when you wish to replace the disk.
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y
! vxdg -g rootdg -k rmdisk rootmirror
  Removal of disk rootmirror completed successfully.
Remove another disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) n
Select an operation to perform: q


-----  Change corrupt  Disk ------


- Neuen Disk in Veritas Volume Manager einbinden.

# vxdiskadm

Select an operation to perform: 5
! /usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/bin/disk.repl -v
Replace a failed or removed disk
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/ReplaceDisk
  Use this menu operation to specify a replacement disk for a disk
  that you removed with the "Remove a disk for replacement" menu
  operation, or that failed during use.  You will be prompted for
  a disk name to replace and a disk device to use as a replacement.
  You can choose an uninitialized disk, in which case the disk will
  be initialized, or you can choose a disk that you have already
  initialized using the Add or initialize a disk menu operation.
Select a removed or failed disk [<disk>,list,q,?] list
Disk group: rootdg
dm rootmirror   -            -        -        -        REMOVED
Disk group: dri_infdg01
Select a removed or failed disk [<disk>,list,q,?] rootmirror
Select disk device to initialize [<address>,list,q,?] list
DEVICE       DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0t0d0       rootdisk     rootdg       online
c0t1d0       -            -            error
c2t0d0       -            -            online
c2t3d0       -            -            online
c2t5d0       -            -            online
c2t7d0       c2t7d0s2     dri_infdg01  online
c2t10d0      inf_disk01   dri_infdg01  online
c2t16d0      inf_disk02   dri_infdg01  online
c2t19d0      inf_disk03   dri_infdg01  online
c2t22d0      inf_disk04   dri_infdg01  online
c2t24d0      -            -            online
c2t26d0      inf_disk05   dri_infdg01  online
c3t0d0       -            -            online
c3t5d0       -            -            online
c3t7d0       c3t7d0s2     dri_infdg01  online
c3t10d0      inf_mirr01   dri_infdg01  online
c3t16d0      inf_mirr02   dri_infdg01  online
c3t19d0      inf_mirr03   dri_infdg01  online
c3t22d0      inf_disk06   dri_infdg01  online
c3t24d0      inf_mirr04   dri_infdg01  online
c3t26d0      inf_mirr05   dri_infdg01  online
Select disk device to initialize [<address>,list,q,?] c0t1d0
! vxdisk online c0t1d0s2
  The following disk device has a valid VTOC, but does not appear to have
  been initialized for the Volume Manager.  If there is data on the disk
  that should NOT be destroyed you should encapsulate the existing disk
  partitions as volumes instead of adding the disk as a new disk.
  Output format: [Device_Name]
Encapsulate this device? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) n
Instead of encapsulating, initialize? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) y
  The requested operation is to initialize disk device c0t1d0 and
  to then use that device to replace the removed or failed disk
  rootmirror in disk group rootdg.
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y
! vxdisksetup -if c0t1d0 old_layout
Use fastresync for plex synchronization? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) n
! vxdisksetup -if c0t1d0 old_layout
! vxdg -g rootdg -k adddisk rootmirror=c0t1d0s2
! vxbootsetup -v rootmirror
! vxmksdpart -f -v -g rootdg rootmirror-01 0 0x2 0x200
! vxpartadd /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2 0 0x2 0x200 2889 50153040
! /usr/sbin/installboot /usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra-4/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0
! vxeeprom devalias vx-rootmirror /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0
! vxmksdpart -f -v -g rootdg rootmirror-02 1 0x3 0x201
! vxpartadd /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2 1 0x3 0x201 50155929 20971251
! vxrecover -sb -g rootdg rootmirror
  Replacement of disk rootmirror in group rootdg with disk device
  c0t1d0 completed successfully.
Replace another disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) n
Select an operation to perform: q

- Monitoring auf Command Line

root@ffzj0xfd:~# vxtask list
   166           PARENT/R  0.00% 2/0(1) VXRECOVER rootmirror
   167   167     ATCOPY/R 29.71% 0/50153040/14899200 PLXATT rootvol rootvol-02