detach von zwei CPU,s , jede CPU einzeln eingegeben, ohne/mit Reboot im online Betrieb
Zur Info: Domain CPU deaktivieren:
- Wenn man auf Domain psradm –f [cpuID] durchführt, bleibt die Memory bestehen (psradm besteht nur für eine Sitzung).
Mann kann auch cfgadm -c configure SB2::cpu3 verwenden
- Wenn man auf SC über blacklist die cpu deaktiviert, dann ist das Memory das sich auf den Board befindet auch weg(Achtung).
Detach of CPU:
1.) Output:
root@RFX141 # psrinfo
224 on-line since 05/11/06 15:25:19
225 on-line since 05/11/06 15:25:20
226 on-line since 05/11/06 15:25:20
227 on-line since 05/15/06 15:05:10
root@RFX141 # prtdiag
Slot ID ID MHz MB Impl. Mask
-------- ------- ---- ---- ------- ----
/SB07/P0 224 1200 8.0 US-III+ 11.0
/SB07/P1 225 1200 8.0 US-III+ 11.0
/SB07/P2 226 1200 8.0 US-III+ 11.0
/SB07/P3 227 1200 8.0 US-III+ 11.0
root@RFX141 # cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
SB7 CPU connected configured ok
SB7::cpu0 cpu connected configured ok
SB7::cpu1 cpu connected configured ok
SB7::cpu2 cpu connected configured ok
SB7::cpu3 cpu connected configured ok
2.) Überprüfen wie viel einzelne Cpu’s vorhanden sind.
sms-svc:> showcomponent -d E
sms-svc:> showcomponent -d E SB7/P0
Component PROC at SB7/P0 is NOT disabled in the specified blacklist.
sms-svc:> showcomponent -d E SB7/P1
Component PROC at SB7/P1 is NOT disabled in the specified blacklist.
sms-svc:> showcomponent -d E SB7/P2
Component PROC at SB7/P2 is NOT disabled in the specified blacklist.
sms-svc:> showcomponent -d E SB7/P3
Component PROC at SB7/P3 is NOT disabled in the specified blacklist.
sms-svc:> showcomponent -d E SB7/P4 ## CPU 4 ist nicht vorhanden
ERROR: Invalid component: SB7/P4
3.) Disable von zwei einzelnen Cpu’s über SC-Board
sms-svc:> disablecomponent -d E SB7/P2
sms-svc:> disablecomponent -d E SB7/P3
4.) Blacklist Datei wurde gefüllt.
Zur Info: Wenn man die cpu blacklistet wird auch die Memory die sich auf den Board befindet auch disabled !!!
sms-svc:> more /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS1.5/config/E/blacklist
# ident "@(#)blacklist 1.1 01/04/02 SMI"
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# blacklist file
# This file can contain directives that modify the properties of hpost(1M).
# Knowledge and use of these directives is restricted to Sun Microsystems Inc.
# Service personnel.
port 7.0.2
port 7.0.3
5.) Auf der Domain laufen noch die Cpu’s
root# psrinfo
224 on-line since 05/11/06 15:25:19
225 on-line since 05/11/06 15:25:20
226 on-line since 05/11/06 15:25:20
227 on-line since 05/15/06 15:05:1
root# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
SB7::cpu0 cpu connected configured ok
SB7::cpu1 cpu connected configured ok
SB7::cpu2 cpu connected configured ok
SB7::cpu3 cpu connected configured ok
6.) Im Laufenden Betrieb die Cpu’s herraus Konfiegurieren
root# cfgadm -c unconfigure SB7::cpu3
root# cfgadm -c unconfigure SB7::cpu2
7.) Nochmals Prüfen
root@RFX141 # psrinfo
224 on-line since 05/11/06 15:25:19
225 on-line since 05/11/06 15:25:2
root# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
SB7::cpu0 cpu connected configured ok
SB7::cpu1 cpu connected configured ok
SB7::cpu2 cpu connected unconfigured ok
SB7::cpu3 cpu connected unconfigured o
Zur Info: Man braucht kein Reboot (init 6), aber zur Kontrolle habe ich einen Durchgeführt, ob die Blacklist File angezogen wird.
Nach reboot:
root# psrinfo
224 on-line since 05/15/06 16:09:19
225 on-line since 05/15/06 16:09:20
Attach of CPU:
1.) Nochmals Prüfen
root# psrinfo -p
root# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
SB2 V3CPU connected configured ok
SB2::cpu0 cpu connected configured ok
SB2::cpu1 cpu connected configured ok
SB2::cpu2 cpu connected configured ok
SB2::cpu3 cpu connected unconfigured ok
SB2::memory memory connected configured ok
2.) Cpu einbinden auf Domain
root# cfgadm -c configure SB2::cpu3
root# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
SB2 V3CPU connected configured ok
SB2::cpu0 cpu connected configured ok
SB2::cpu1 cpu connected configured ok
SB2::cpu2 cpu connected configured ok
SB2::cpu3 cpu connected configured ok
SB2::memory memory connected configured ok
3.) Auf SC Board, CPU aus Blacklist herausnehmen.
sms-svc:27> more blacklist
# ident "@(#)blacklist 1.1 01/04/02 SMI"
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# blacklist file
# This file can contain directives that modify the properties of hpost(1M).
# Knowledge and use of these directives is restricted to Sun Microsystems Inc.
# Service personnel.
port 2.0.3
sms-svc:28> showcomponent -d E
Component PROC at SB2/P3 is disabled: <no reason given>
sms-svc:29> enablecomponent -d E SB2/P3
sms-svc:30> showcomponent -d E
sms-svc:31> more blacklist