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Installation / Konfiguration / Administration in Bereichen:

Datenbank Unix Third Software




Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) validate
Export Import einzelnen Oracle Table
Show Materialized View

Oracle Select Commands Reference
Listener Passwort setzen



Dbspace Erweiterung
Replications Check Sync
Find Informix Locks Sessions
Dbschema Table (DDL) information
deadlock Situation
größe einer Informix Tabelle ermitteln
Export / Import einer Informix Datenbank
add and delete Table Colums in Enterprise Replication



load Datenbank
unload Datenbank
add Devices to Sybase Database
grow vdevno Number
Sybase Backup Server stop/start
Datenbankdevices spiegeln
Welche Sybase Devices beinhaltet welche Table?



Zone Start
Solaris Commands Reference
Physical Path by Sun Fire 12K
detach and attach CPU to Sun Fire 12K
User Access to SunFire Domains
Ufsrestore over Network  from remote Drive
Create simple Solstice DiskSuite (Solaris Volume Manager) Soft Partition
Solstice DiskSuite (Solaris Volume Manager) Free Disk Script
Change Online System Board to another Sun Fire 12K Domain
IPS - Image Packaging System


Filesystem Resize
Command Reference
errpt Monitoring Script
destroy Volume Group
create Logical Volume and Mount Point
Paging Space



Redhat RH133 System Administration
Training Inhouse
MountPoint resize shrinking
Volume Online increase
create Mount Point
yum Server creating



Relayout ändern ncol hinzufügen
Striped Veritas Volume
Filesystem stripe-mirror über relayout vergrößern
Replace the rootmirror with itself
Disks Serial Number checking
Monitoring Filesystem script with Email Send
Beide Plexes eines Volume sind beschädigt



SC3.0u3 create Informix Resource Sun Cluster HA
Sun Cluster 3.0 Schulung
Veritas Cluster Resource Type Application create
Installation Veritas Volume Manager 4.0 mit Veritas Cluster 3.5
Veritas Cluster Commands
Oracle Resource in Cluster einbinden