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Find Informix LOCKS Session


Ermitteln einer LOCKS Session mit anschl. kill


·        Auszug aus der Log Datei oder mit onstat -m

·        Verursacher vom LOCKS ist die Spalte mit der Nummer (54)

·        Welche Session verursacht die LOCKS

·        Die Session (50) mancht die Probleme, sql Statement anzeigen.

·        Welche rblsnum wird geändert, welches die meisten tblsnum hat und welches type „IX“ und rowid „0“hat

·        Welche Table wird durch sql Statement verändert.



-- Auszug aus der Log Datei oder mit onstat -m

ZAV02V01@informix[goran]: onstat -m

14:17:13  dynamically allocated 100000 locks
14:17:16  Lock table overflow - user id -1, session id xxxxx




-- Verursacher vom LOCKS ist die Spalte mit der Nummer (54)

ZAV02V01@informix[goran]: onstat -u 

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.FC4     -- On-Line -- Up 00:10:59 -- 55216 Kbytes
address          flags   sessid   user     tty      wait             tout locks nreads   nwrites
7000000202f6028  ---P--D 1        informix -        0                0    0     42       34
7000000202f6760  ---P--F 0        informix -        0                0    0     0        708
7000000202f6e98  ---P--- 15       informix -        0                0    0     0        2
7000000202f75d0  ---P--B 16       informix -        0                0    0     0        0
7000000202f7d08  Y-BP--- 50       informix 2        700000021107b28  0    54    0        0
7000000202f8b78  ---P--D 19       informix -        0                0    0     0        0
7000000202f92b0  ---P--- 22       informix -        0                0    0     0        0
7000000202f99e8  Y--P--D 40       informix -        7000000100f29d8  0    0     0        0
7000000202fa120  ---P--- 24       informix -        0                0    0     0        0
7000000202fa858  Y--P--- 25       informix -        70000005025a448  0    3     0        0
7000000202faf90  ---P--- 27       informix -        0                0    0     0        0
7000000202fb6c8  ---P--- 28       informix -        0                0    1     0        0
7000000202fbe00  ---P--- 29       informix -        0                0    1     0        0
7000000202fc538  ---P--- 30       informix -        0                0    0     0        0
7000000202fcc70  Y-BP--- 62       informix 3        7000000211ee128  0    3     0        0
7000000202fdae0  ---P--- 33       informix -        0                0    0     2957     0
7000000202fe218  ---P--- 34       informix -        0                0    1     5        0
 17 active, 128 total, 19 maximum concurrent



-- Welche Session verursacht die LOCKS

ZAV02V01@informix[goran]: onstat -g ses 

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.FC4     -- On-Line -- Up 00:11:13 -- 55216 Kbytes
session                                      #RSAM    total      used       dynamic
id       user     tty      pid      hostname threads  memory     memory     explain 
63       informix -        0        -        0        12288      11656      off 
62       informix 3        454768   ZAV02V01 1        94208      75944      off 
50       informix 2        503968   ZAV02V01 1        81920      68320      off 
14       informix -        0        -        0        12288      11656      off 
13       informix -        0        -        0        16384      13240      off 
12       informix -        0        -        0        12288      11656      off 
11       informix -        0        -        0        12288      11656      off 
10       informix -        0        -        0        16384      13240      off 
9        informix -        0        -        0        12288      11656      off 
8        informix -        0        -        0        12288      11656      off 
6        informix -        0        -        0        16384      13240      off 
5        informix -        0        -        0        16384      13240      off 
4        informix -        0        -        0        12288      11656      off 
3        informix -        0        -        0        12288      11656      off 
2        informix -        0        -        0        12288      11656      off  




-- Die Session (50) mancht die Probleme, sql Statement anzeigen.

ZAV02V01@informix[goran]: onstat -g ses 50  

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.FC4     -- On-Line -- Up 00:18:23 -- 55216 Kbytes
session                                      #RSAM    total      used       dynamic 
id       user     tty      pid      hostname threads  memory     memory     explain
50       informix 2        503968   ZAV02V01 1        81920      68320      off 
tid      name     rstcb            flags    curstk   status
68       sqlexec  7000000202f7d08  Y-BP---  4640     cond wait(netnorm)
Memory pools    count 2
name         class addr              totalsize  freesize   #allocfrag #freefrag 
50           V     700000021064040  77824      12760      98         15     
50*O0        V     70000002106d040  4096       840        1          1      

name           free       used           name           free       used   
overhead       0          6512           scb            0          144       
opentable      0          3432           filetable      0          720       
ru             0          632            log            0          14144     
temprec        0          10104          keys           0          1040      
gentcb         0          1600           ostcb          0          3456      
sqscb          0          18912          sql            0          72        
rdahead        0          184            hashfiletab    0          552       
osenv          0          2960           sqtcb          0          3480      
fragman        0          376            
sqscb info
scb              sqscb            optofc   pdqpriority sqlstats optcompind  directives
700000020e116c0  7000000501d8028  0        0           0        2           1         

Sess  SQL            Current            Iso Lock       SQL  ISAM F.E.
Id    Stmt type      Database           Lvl Mode       ERR  ERR  Vers Explain    
50    -              stores_demo        CR  Not Wait   0    0    9.03 Off        

Last parsed SQL statement :
  update state set sname = "xxx" where 1=1




-- Welche rblsnum wird geändert, welches die meisten tblsnum hat und welches type hat „IX“ und rowid „0“

ZAV02V01@informix[goran]: onstat -k 

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 10.00.FC4     -- On-Line -- Up 00:18:34 -- 55216 Kbytes
address          wtlist           owner            lklist           type     tblsnum  rowid    key#/bsiz
700000010190e90  0                7000000202fa858  700000010190bc0      S    100002   206         0   
700000010191160  0                7000000202fbe00  0                    S    100002   205         0   
7000000101913b8  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010190cb0  HDR+IX   100098   0           0   
700000010191430  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010193488  HDR+X    100098   132         0   
700000010191598  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010192498  HDR+X    100098   117         0   
700000010191778  0                7000000202f7d08  7000000101918e0  HDR+X    100098   103         0   
700000010191868  0                7000000202f7d08  7000000101913b8  HDR+X    100098   101         0   
7000000101918e0  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010191868  HDR+X    100098   102         0   
700000010191958  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010191778  HDR+X    100098   104         0   
700000010192b28  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010192ab0  HDR+X    100098   122         0   
700000010192c18  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010192b28  HDR+X    100098   123         0   
700000010192c90  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010192c18  HDR+X    100098   124         0   
700000010192d08  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010192c90  HDR+X    100098   125         0   
7000000101935f0  0                7000000202f7d08  700000010193578  HDR+X    100098   134         0   
7000000101937d0  0                7000000202fcc70  0                    S    100002   207         0   
7000000101938c0  0                7000000202fcc70  7000000101937d0  HDR+IX   10008a   0           0   
700000010193938  0                7000000202fcc70  7000000101938c0  HDR+X    10008a   10a         0   
 65 active, 9000 total, 16384 hash buckets, 0 lock table overflows




-In dbacces

SQL:   New  Run  Modify  Use-editor  Output  Choose  Save  Info  Drop  Exit
Run the current SQL statements.  
----------------------- stores_demo@goran ------ Press CTRL-W for Help --------
select stn.*, hex(ti_partnum)
from sysmaster:systabinfo sti, sysmaster:systabnames stn
where sti.ti_partnum = stn.partnum
and hex(ti_partnum)
like "%




-- Welche Table wird durch sql Statement verändert.

SQL:   New  Run  Modify  Use-editor  Output  Choose  Save  Info  Drop  Exit
Run the current SQL statements. 
----------------------- stores_demo@goran ------ Press CTRL-W for Help -------- 

partnum       1048728 
dbsname       stores_demo 
owner         informix 
tabname       state  
collate       en_US.819
(expression)  0x00100098