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change online System Board to another Sun Fire 12K Domain





Ist Zustand: 

- Auf den heraus zu konkurrierenden SB darf das "Permanent Memory" nicht liegen.

RFX88138@root #cfgadm -v -a  | grep permanent

SB3::memory                    connected    configured   ok         
base address 0x6000000000, 33554432 KBytes total, 4539240
KBytes permanent




- SB0 ist in unseren Beispiel, das Board das raus soll.

RFX88138@root #cfgadm –al

SB0                            V3CPU        connected    configured   ok
SB0::cpu0                      cpu          connected    configured   ok
SB0::cpu1                      cpu          connected    configured   ok
SB0::cpu2                      cpu          connected    configured   ok
SB0::cpu3                      cpu          connected    configured   ok
SB0::memory                    memory       connected    configured   ok




1.) Heraus Konfiegurieren von SB0 aus Domain A

RFX88138@root #cfgadm -v -c disconnect SB0                 (dauert eine zeit)

request delete capacity (8 cpus)
request delete capacity (4194304 pages)
request delete capacity SB0 done
request offline SUNW_cpu/cpu0
notify remove SUNW_cpu/cpu3 done
disconnect SB0
disconnect SB0 done
poweroff SB0
poweroff SB0 done
unassign SB0 skipped




- Jetzt ist das SB0 heraus Konfiguriert , (Jetzt kann der Techniker das SB0 gewechselt )

RFX88138@root #cfgadm –al               

SB0 V3CPU disconnected unconfigured unknown [...]




2.) Zum Testen ob die ausgetauschte SB0 Korrekt ist, kann man sie an eine nicht benötigte Domaine z.B. „F“ anschließen und ein hören hpost (level=32) laufen lassen.

Ist Status:

RFX96093:sms-svc:5> showbus -v

Domain: A RFX88138 RFX88138  ON/Running Solaris
   Location:  EX0     SB0: Off/assigned        IO0:  On/active  
   Location:  EX1     SB1:  On/active          IO1:  On/active 
   Location:  EX3     SB3:  On/active  
Domain: F - - ON/Running OBP Location: EX8 SB8: On/active IO8: On/active [...]




- Moven von SB0 in die Domain „F“

RFX96093:sms-svc:6> moveboard -d F -c assign SB0

SB0 unassigned from domain: A
SB0 assigned to domain: F




- Prüfen Status

RFX96093:sms-svc:7> showbus -v

Domain: A RFX88138 RFX88138  ON/Running Solaris
   Location:  EX0                              IO0:  On/active 
   Location:  EX1     SB1:  On/active          IO1:  On/active 
   Location:  EX3     SB3:  On/active  
Domain: F - -  ON/Running OBP
   Location:  EX0     SB0: Off/assigned
Domain: F - - ON/Running OBP Location: EX8 SB8: On/active IO8: On/active




- Falls die Temporäre Domaine “F” noch online ist , offline setzen.

RFX96093:sms-svc:11> showkeyswitch -d F

Virtual key switch position: ON

 RFX96093:sms-svc:12> setkeyswitch -d F off

Current virtual key switch position is "ON".
Are you sure you want to change to the "OFF" position (yes/no)? yes
Domain is down.
Waiting on exclusive access to EXB(s): 3FFFF.
Powering off: V3CPU at SB0
Powering off: CPU at SB8
Powering off: HPCI+ at IO8
Powering off: EXB at EX8




- Datei “.postrc” anlagen und level 32 definieren

RFX96093:sms-svc:21> cd /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS1.5/config/F
RFX96093:sms-svc:22> ls -la

-rw-rw-rw-   1 root     sms          312 Dec 13  2003 blacklist


RFX96093:sms-svc:23> pwd



RFX96093:sms-svc:24> vi .postrc

".postrc" [New file] 
level 32
no_ioadapt_ok           ## The 'no_ioadapt_ok' directive allows for the testing of cpu boards alone:




- Wenn nötig, noch ein “flashupdate” auf die Komplette Domain “F” durchführen , schaden tut’s nicht

RFX96093:sms-svc:34> flashupdate -d F -f /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash 

Current System Board FPROM Information 
V3CPU at SB0, FPROM 0:
POST   05/09/06 21:35:00  Release 5.19.6  Build 1.0 I/F 12
OBP    05/09/06 21:33:00  Release 5.19.6  Build 1.0 
Ver    05/09/06 21:36:00  Release 5.19.6  Build 1.0 
V3CPU at SB0, FPROM 1:
POST   05/09/06 21:35:00  Release 5.19.6  Build 1.0 I/F 12
OBP    05/09/06 21:33:00  Release 5.19.6  Build 1.0 
Ver    05/09/06 21:36:00  Release 5.19.6  Build 1.0




- Test der Domain “F” mit Level=32

RFX96093:sms-svc:32> setkeyswitch -d F on

POST (level=32, verbose=20) execution time 12:59




- Status Prüfen

RFX96093:sms-svc:38> showbus -v 

Domain: A RFX88138 RFX88138  ON/Running Solaris
   Location:  EX0                              IO0:  On/active
   Location:  EX1     SB1:  On/active          IO1:  On/active 
   Location:  EX3     SB3:  On/active  
Domain: F - -  ON/Running OBP
   Location:  EX0     SB0:  On/active  
   Location:  EX8     SB8:  On/active          IO8:  On/active  




3.) Ich versuche das SB0 jetzt wider in die Domain A zu übernehmen.

RFX96093:sms-svc:39> moveboard -d A -c assign SB0

ERROR: Board SB0 is active in domain F but the domain is not running
Solaris. The domain is in Running OBP state. Boot the domain to

Solaris or setkeyswitch to standby or off to disconnect the board.




- wegen der o.g. Meldung, sollte man die Domain “F” wider offline setzen

RFX96093:sms-svc:40> setkeyswitch -d F off

Current virtual key switch position is "ON".
Are you sure you want to change to the "OFF" position (yes/no)? yes
Domain is down.
Waiting on exclusive access to EXB(s): 3FFFF.
Powering off: V3CPU at SB0
Powering off: CPU at SB8
Powering off: HPCI+ at IO8
Powering off: EXB at EX8




- Das er nicht beim nächsten mal wider in Level=32 leuft , löscht man die Datei “.postrc”

RFX96093:sms-svc:44> cd /etc/opt/SUNWSMS/SMS1.5/config/F
RFX96093:sms-svc:46> rm .postrc




- SB0 zurück konfigurieren, zur der Domain “A”

RFX96093:sms-svc:41> moveboard -d A -c assign SB0

SB0 unassigned from domain: F
SB0 assigned to domain: A




- Status Prüfen

RFX96093:sms-svc:43> showbus -v

Domain: A RFX88138 RFX88138  ON/Running Solaris
   Location:  EX0     SB0: Off/assigned        IO0:  On/active  
   Location:  EX1     SB1:  On/active          IO1:  On/active 
   Location:  EX3     SB3:  On/active  
Domain: F - -  OFF/Powered Off
   Location:  EX8     SB8: Off/assigned        IO8: Off/assigned




- Zur die Domaine „A“ verbinden und SB0 wider einbinden.

RFX88138@root #cfgadm -al

Ap_Id                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
SB0                            V3CPU        disconnected unconfigured unknown




- Konfigurieren von SB0 an Domain „A“

RFX88138@root #cfgadm -v -c configure SB0

assign SB0
notify add capacity (8 cpus) notify add capacity (4194304 pages) notify add capacity SB0 done




- Status Prüfen, SB0 ist wider in der Domain "A"

RFX88138@root #cfgadm -al

Ap_Id                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
SB0                            V3CPU        connected    configured   ok
SB0::cpu0                      cpu          connected    configured   ok
SB0::cpu1                      cpu          connected    configured   ok
SB0::cpu2                      cpu          connected    configured   ok
SB0::cpu3                      cpu          connected    configured   ok
SB0::memory                    memory       connected    configured   ok